Tummy Troubles


As Crohnies, we all struggle with a belly ache every one in a while. Or more like every time food we look at food. So I compiled a list of some quick tummy remedies:

-Hot tea. This relaxes your mind and body, and is soothing and warm for your belly. Bonus points for some honey. ๐Ÿ™‚

-Reading a book. Although it will not directly soothe the stomach, it can take your pain off your mind for a little while. (For more distraction ideas, see my previous post!)

-Take a nap. This will give your stomach some time to relax and calm you down a bit.

-Heating pad. This is always a comfort to my aching belly. It soothes discomfort and reduces bloating, all while I relax on the couch. ๐Ÿ™‚

-Food. Believe it or not, sometimes your stomach may be giving you trouble out of hunger. This happens to me all the time. If you have a sore belly, though, go for a reliable food, such as toast or broth.

What do you do on those days when your belly will not give you a break?

2 thoughts on “Tummy Troubles

  1. LK

    I love your blog – it’s on my list of “Favorites”, so I can go right to it. I don’t know many people with Crohn’s but if I meet them I will refer them to your wonderful blog. It’s so positive and helpful.

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