Daily Meal Plan


On most days, I try to eat a healthy diet while still getting the nutrients and calories I need to maintain a healthy weight and treat my disease. I tend to eat three small meals and two substantial snacks throughout the day. Here is a what a typical day of food looks like for me:



Oatmeal is my breakfast 99% of the time. If for some reason I cannot have my daily bowl of oats at the breakfast table, I almost always make up for it by having oatmeal for lunch or dinner. What can I say, they’re perfect! I also drink a milk supplement to add some calories and protein to my diet.



I usually have a small, but filling and healthy lunch. My lunches usually are more like a bunch of snacks thrown together on my way out the door. Today I had a container of granola, Greek yogurt, and a fresh apple.

Mid-Afternoon Snack


For my first snack, I choose some type of protein bar. My favorites include Luna Bars and Quest Bars, because they are mostly natural (as far as packaged snacks go) and are high in protein to get me through the day. On a side note, the new Quest Bar is to DIE for. If you can only try one Quest bar in your entire life, go for this one. You will not regret it.



For dinner, I enjoyed this delicious homemade Lemon, Rice, & Chicken soup, which was a satisfying comfort food to me in this chilly weather. I usually eat a larger dinner, but my stomach just wasn’t feeling it today.

Night Snack


I have always had a “bedtime snack” since I can remember, so this tradition still lives on. My night snack is usually something kind of fun and indulgent, but still healthy, like dark chocolate covered strawberries, or some SkinnyPop. Tonight I had toasted homemade bread (I make my own bread products) with a PB I found called “Cookie Butter.” It tastes like cookie dough, and even has mini chocolate chips! Yum. What a way to end the day. 🙂